We have designed our kits to provide a straightforward way to produce accurate scale models.
They should need only the most basic of tools to produce a fine model.
The following shows a simple sequence to assemble your kit.
The floor print will have been removed from supports for packing. Sand the edges to make a tight fit and ensure that the floor sits down against the sole bars and headstock. Secure with superglue.
There are 4 locators designed to hold the axle guards accurately in place.
Secure with superglue.
Add the springs and axleboxes to the axleguards. These are separate prints to allow those using springing or compensation to easily replace the "W Irons"
The brake print fits between the floor braces and in line with wheels. The inner edge of the blocks should be trimmed to suit wheel profile.
A length of wire is provided. The wire passes through the brake print, through the V hanger print and into the brake lever. The brake lever guide should be secured to the sole bar.
Open up the headstock holes to accept the buffers and secure with superglue. Buffer heads are provides but modellers may chose to use their preference of metal buffer heads
Your wagon will now need your choice of coupling hook.
There should be sufficient space to add appropriate weight.
Your model should be primed with suitable plastic primer before your desired livery is applied
We hope you enjoy building your Scottish Wagon Works Kits